Thursday, February 12, 2009

1. Social networking was completely different before myspace/facebook. Geography was the constraining factor for social networking. People were mainly interacting with those located nearby, or in a very small travel area. With the exception of the telephone, which doesn't provide face-to face contact, people had little way of communicating in real-time. With the internet, and social websites, people are now open to an audience that spans the entire globe.
2. a)It's a neat little website where we can all make our own pages and keep in touch with each other. It's also a cool way to get back in touch with old friends, schoolmates, etc.
b)It's a website that lets me keep up-to-date with friends. It's a journal of sorts where I can let friends know what's new with me and what's going on in my life.
c)Pretty much the same as above.
d)Combine the television, telephone, and typewriter into one device that lets you communicate visually with people all over the world.
3. Most peoples pages are covered in artwork or designs that signify what they enjoy. I would not be someone's friend unless I knew them, at one time or another, in real life.
4. Facebook compartmentalizes how you present your life into little pre-fab boxes. Each person's page looks very similar in design, you only really have control of the content. Myspace allows you slightly more freedom. But the best online expression would be a website designed from scratch.
5. Facebook allows you to interact, but it does not challenge many of your senses. Also, I think using facebook as a medium to present yourself to the world makes a statement about you as a person.

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